The Master is to the Lodge all in all. His will and pleasure is lawsupreme. It's the law and the gospel. His orders are complied with and obeyed implicitly, carried out to the letter. He rules and governs his lodge with equal regularity of the sun and moon. He points you to theGreat Light of Masonry, the Lamb's book of life. He it is that places you in the northeast corner of the Lodge a just and upright Mason and admonishes you to ever walk and act as such. He raises you to walk ina newness of life and teaches you of the immortality of the soul - that we shall all rise again - that light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.The Master represents a noted bible character - a man that never took the life blood of his fellow man and a man that dedicated the Templeto the service of God - King Solomon. We dedicate our temples - our bodies - to the service of God. He gave us life and being and our bodies are the dwelling places for the spirit. He offers us eternallife beyond the grave if we are true subjects of His will and pleasure while moving about on this earth He created for our well-being.As the Master is directly responsible to the Craft for the ruling and conduct of his Lodge, so are we likewise held responsible to our Master for the use we make of our bodies, the indwelling of the spirit. Then how important it is that we should with consecratedspirit dedicate our lives and our services to Him who made us, from the rugged paths to save us, that when time with us is no longer and when we have been summoned before the great white throne there to givean account of the things done on earth while in the body, may it be our pleasure to hear from Him who sitteth on the throne, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Thou hast been faithful over afew things, I will make thee ruler over many."Looking to the East is an order that must be obeyed, an edict,yielding obedience to which make of us good subjects. Hearing, believing and obeying make of us subjects of that immortal kingdom andcelestial abode where we may drink of the waters of eternal life and never grow old, fainthearted, where sickness, sorrow and death neverenter and where farewells are never said and where we can bask in the sunshine of God's love through the ceaseless ages of eternity, withthe Supreme Grand Master of the Universe.The WORSHIPFUL  Master should be a God fearing man, a praying man, a man that his Lodge has implicit confidence in, a man capable of teaching and imparting the essentials that make for the best of hisLodge at all times and all seasons. He should be constant in seasonand out of season, visiting the sick and afflicted, the fatherless and the widow, giving to charity and consoling the distressed, pointing all to the God of love who is able to care for all and to save all whoput their trust in Him and obey His commands.So mote it be with us all at all times


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