rough and perfect Ashlar
Ashlar rough and Ashlar perfect are not
just two pieces of stone but a clear
representation of what we’ve and what
we hope to be. They symbolize Man's
moral and spiritual life.
Ashlars are representation of the very
beautiful symbol. The rough and perfect
ashlars bear the same relation to each
other as ignorance does to knowledge,
death to life, and light to darkness.
Ashlar rough (rude, natural stone), which
masonically, is a symbol of men’s
natural state of ignorance and a symbol
the profane world. Ashlar perfect is
already prepared (hewed, squared,
polished and smooth) and as such it’s
used in the building. It’s a symbol of the
state of perfection attained by means of
In essence, in Freemasonry, it means
that by means of education and the
acquirement of knowledge, a man, who
begins as Rough Ashlar (an imperfect
stone) improves the state of his spiritual
and moral being and becomes like
Perfect Ashlar and makes the final
journey to the Grand Lodge Above. He
may leave behind a reputation as a wise
counselor, a pillar of strength and
stability, a Perfect Ashlar on which
younger Masons may test the
correctness and value of their own
contribution to the Masonic order.
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